PBF Comics
My Picassos
Friends' Picassos
Magical Trevor
***Key West Pictures***
Contact Me

eXtreme boredom



I am about 100% sure that NO ONE visits this site anymore, let alone in the past. I also realize it is a complete waste of my time to even update this crappy site. BUT, I have nothing better to do and have about 20 mins to kill before my shows come on :P


I am proud to say that this site has been constructed while I was at work. What did I do you ask? No, no I was NOT the most prominent world-renowned web designer there ever was. I was just a lowly research lab technician. But this is mainly what I did; played on the Internet all day. It's very rare that I had enough work to fill my 7 hour work day. Even on my busiest days I was done by 3pm. So what did I do with the rest of my time? I PLAYED! Sometimes though, I did get bored of being bored. That's when I made a Picasso or two, searched for cutie puppe' pictures and played the best damn Internet games ever created! I've added some other goodies to this site, too. DEF check out the PFB Comics and Magical Trevor, and don't forget KEY WEST! My friends even got bored sometitmes and made Picassos themselves. Check them out, too. Realistically speaking you should just look at everything at every link on this site. Like reality TV, there's nothing more addicting to fill up your spare time than looking at this site. Seriously though, this site, even though very young in existence, has already been nominated for an e-Pulitzer. Seriously. One.

I do want to point out that there are some surprises to this page that aren't made apparent. "A curious mind will find the prize, or be killed like that stupid cat."
-An Anonymous person with the initials H.P.

I update this site regularly during the work week so check back periodically! Seriously really!

A Little Something For My Jewish Homeys!


Artwork: Natalie Jane

Speaking of Jews, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you have ears. And with those ears you like to hear things, right? (Please note that if you are in fact deaf, I mean no disrespect whatsoever! However, I'm going to have to ask you to go along with this just for the sake of argument. Thanks) Well I wouldn't recommend any other music than that of Natalie Jane, or Noots as I know her! Hi Noots! Her music is honest, original and awesome! This girl's got some serious talent! With that said, I think you should check out her page and show her some love!



Do you love skateboarding? Are you proud to say you're from the East Coast? Then boy do I have something just for you! It's Focus East Coast Skateboarding Culture Magazine! It's down to earth, it's funny and it's REAL! Owned and operated by two of my close friends, these guys slave night and day to make sure they produce nothing but the best for their readers. And they do! This magazine is produced bi-montly and is found in every skate shop and park along the East Coast from Maine to Florida. Stop in today for your FREE issue of Focus!

(free poster inside!)


Mary Roach might just be one of the most awesomest people ever to be born and DEFINITELY to appear on American Idol. Her jocular performance of "I Feel the Earth Move" sent waves of laughter crashing through America's living rooms, dorm rooms, college apartment bedrooms shared by two of the most awesome girls themselves, you name it! After her performance the buzz was, "Did you see that girl Mary Roach on American Idol?" "Her performance was GREAT! She was HILARIOUS!" "Was she for real?" To answer your question, NO, she was not for real. Her performance was all a hoax. She's not crazy, she's not demented, she just wanted to be on TV, DUH! And I say more power to her! Check out her page to read the whole story for yourself. And Mary, if you're reading this, know that... YOU'LL ALWAYS BE AN AMERICAN IDOL TO ME!

Click To Watch Her Audition!


So I love to SCUBA dive. For those of you who don't know, SCUBA is an acronym for self contained underwater breathing apparatus. And if that seems like too many words to remember then just know it's the most awesome thing in the entire world! What could possibly be more exciting and liberating than breating underwater! I mean come one! FISH are supposed to breathe underwater, not humans! I'm sad to say that I've only gone once. The summer of 2005 I became Open Water certified in Key Largo, Florida and haven't gone since. I can't wait to go this summer and then all the time once I move to Florida :)


This is my "ODE TO TUBE SOCKS" (and awesome slippers). I love tube socks. (and awesome slippers) I wear tubes everyday, mostly only during the winter. This particular pair is my favorite because the tubes come up PAST my knees. It's just the best pair of tube socks anyone could ever ask for. Ever. I just love my tubes and bringing sexxy back.

My Picassos

What's New You Ask?

That link on the Home page, a new game on my Games page and MORE Key West Pictures! ILL.

Any questions? Comments? Yeah? Good. Keep them to yourself. SIKE! Sign my guestbook below. I just want to put it out there though, that if you DON'T sign my guestbook, I won't give a f***. This isn't high school. I'm not striving for popularity here. If you want to drop me a line, hey cool! If not, carry on your merry little way and have a NICE LIFE!



Thanks for stopping by